Nevada Crimes by Name

Accessory after the Fact – NRS 195.030

Administering Drugs or Controlled Substances to Aid in the Commission of a Felony or Violent Crime – NRS 200.405 & NRS 200.408

Affray – NRS 203.050

Age of Consent – NRS 200.368

Aiding and Abetting – NRS 195.020

Aiding or Knowingly Permitting a Child to Have a Gun – NRS 202.300

Aiming a Firearm at a Human Being – NRS 202.290

Animal Cruelty – NRS 574

Arson – NRS 205.010 – NRS 205.030

Assault – NRS 200.471

Assault by an Inmate, Probationer or Parolee – NRS 200.471

Assault with a Deadly Weapon – NRS 200.471

Attempted Crimes – NRS 193.330

Attempted Murder – NRS 193.330

Attempted Murder – NRS 200.030

Attempted Murder By Poisoning – NRS 200.390

Auto Insurance Fraud – NRS 686A

Bad Checks Less Than $650 – NRS 205.130

Bad Checks More Than $650 – NRS 205.130

Bait Purse Theft – NRS 205.0832(d)

Battery – NRS 200.481

Battery Domestic Violence – NRS 200.485

Battery Domestic Violence First Offense – NRS 200.485

Battery on a Peace Officer – NRS 200.481

Battery with Intent to Commit a Crime – NRS 200.400

Bigamy – NRS 201.160

Boating under the Influence (BUI) – NRS 488.410

Bomb Threats – NRS 202.840

Brandishing a Weapon in a Threatening Manner – NRS 202.320

Bribery of Executive, Administrative or Public Officers – NRS 197.010-NRS 197.040

Bribery of Judges or Jurors – NRS 199.010- NRS 199.030

Bullying by use of electronic communications device – NRS 200.900

Burglary – NRS 205.060

Capital Murder – NRS 200.033

Capturing Image of Private Area of Another Person – NRS 200.604

Carjacking – NRS 205.228

Casino Markers- NRS 205.130

Cheating at Gambling – NRS 465.083

Child Abuse – NRS 200.508

Child Abuse, Neglect & Endangerment – NRS 200.508

Child Endangerment – NRS 200.5093

Child Pornography Possession – NRS 200.730

Child Trafficking – NRS 200.4685

Coercion – NRS 207.190

Commercial Bribery – NRS 199.240 & NRS 199.250

Commercial Driving Under the Influence (DUI) – NRS 484C.120

Concealed Firearms – NRS 202.350

Concealed Knifes – NRS 202.350

Conspiracy – NRS 199.480

Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor – NRS 201.090, NRS 201.100, NRS 201.110

Controlled Substance Analogs – NRS 543.043

Conversion of Rented or Leased Property – NRS 205.940

Credit Card Fraud – NRS 205.760

Criminal Contempt – NRS 199.340

Criminal Forfeiture – NRS 179.121

Criminal Gang Recruitment – NRS 201.570

Criminal Neglect of Patients – NRS 200.495

Cycling Under the Influence – NRS 202.595

Dangerous and Vicious Dogs and Dog Bites – NRS 202.500

Date Rape – NRS 200.366

Deceptive Advertising – NRS 207.175

Destroying Evidence – NRS 199.220

Discharging a Gun from a Structure or Vehicle (Drive-by Shootings) – NRS 202.287

Discharging a Gun into a Structure or Vehicle – NRS 202.285

District Attorney Denial of Charges

Disturbing a Meeting – NRS 203.090

Disturbing a Religious Meeting – NRS 201.270

Disturbing the Peace/ Breach of Peace – NRS 203.010

Doctor Shopping – NRS 453.391

Dog Racing as a Gaming Activity – NRS 207.235

Dog-fighting – NRS 575.060 & NRS 575.070

Driving on a Suspended License – NRS 483.560

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) – NRS 484C.110

Driving Without a License – NRS 483.550

Drug Paraphernalia Crimes – NRS 453.560

Drugs Which May Not be Introduced into Interstate Commerce (ITS) – NRS 454.351

DUI Ambien- NRS 484C.110

DUI Chemical Test Refusals – NRS 484C.240

DUI Drugs – NRS 484C.110

DUI Marijuana – NRS 484C.110

DUI Methamphetamine – NRS 484C.110

DUI Prescription Drugs – NRS 484C.110

DUI Prescription Painkillers – NRS 484C.110

DUI under 21 – NRS 484C.350

DUI Vicodin – NRS 484C.110

DUI with death or injury – NRS 484C.430

Elder Abuse – NRS 200.5093

Embezzlement – NRS 205.300

Evading Police – NRS 44B.550

Ex-Felon in Possession of a Firearm – NRS 202.360

Extortion – NRS 205.320

Failure to Appear – NRS 199.335

Failure to Register as a Sex Offender – NRS 179D.550

Fake IDs – NRS 205.460

False Impersonation – NRS 205.450

False Imprisonment – NRS 200.460

False Reporting of a Crime – NRS 207.280

False Statements to Obtain Benefits – NRS 616D.300

Felony Battery – NRS 200.481

Felony Domestic Violence – NRS 200.485

Felony DUI – NRS 484C.110

Felony Murder – NRS 200.030

First time DUI – NRS 484C.110

Flag Desecration – NRS 201.290

Foreclosure Fraud – NRS 645F.400

Forgery – NRS 205.090

Forging Sales Receipts and Pricing Labels – NRS 205.965

Fraudulent Conveyance – NRS 205.330

Furnishing telephones to prisoners – NRS 212.165

Furnishing weapons, drugs or alcohol to prisoners – NRS 212.160

Gaming Fraud – NRS 465.070

Gang Crimes – NRS 193.168

Graffiti Crimes – NRS 206.330

Grand Larceny – NRS 205.220

NRS 205.228 – Grand Larceny of a Motor Vehicle (Auto Theft)

Habitual Criminal – NRS 207.010

Harassment – NRS 200.571

Hazing – NRS 200.605

Health Care Fraud – NRS 422

Hit and Run – NRS 484E

HIV Transmission – NRS 201.205

Homicide – Murder – NRS 200.010

Housebreaking – NRS 205.0813

Hunting – NRS 502.010

Identity Theft – NRS 205

Illegal Abortion – NRS 201.120

Illegal Fireworks – NRS 244.367

Imitation Drugs – NRS 453.332

Immunity for Drug Crimes Under “Good Samaritan” Drug Overdose Act – NRS 453C.150

Incest – NRS 201.180

Inciting a Breach of Peace – NRS 203.030 & NRS 203.040

Indecent Exposure – NRS 201.220

Interfering with a Public Officer – NRS 197.090

Invasion of the Home – NRS 205.067

Involuntary Manslaughter – NRS 200.070

Involuntary Servitude- NRS 200.463, NRS 200.464, & NRS 200.465

Jaywalking – NRS 484B.287

Jury Duty Offenses – NRS 6

Kidnapping – NRS 200.310

Killing Unborn Quick Child – NRS 200.210

Larceny from a Person – NRS 205.270

Leaving a Child in a Car – NRS 202.575

Leaving a Dog or Cat in a Car – NRS 574.195

Lewdness with Child under 14 years – NRS 201.230

Libel – NRS 200.510

Littering – NRS 444.630

Loitering Near a School or Public Place Where Children Congregate – NRS 207.270

Malicious Prosecution – NRS 199.310

Marijuana Cultivation – NRS 453.3393

Marijuana Sale and Cultivation – NRS 453.321

Marijuana Trafficking – NRS 453.339

Marrying a married person – NRS 201.170

Mayhem – NRS 200.280

Medical Insurance Fraud – NRS 422

Minor Possession of Alcohol – NRS 202.020

Mortgage Fraud – NRS 205.372

Nevada Sexual Offender Registry – NRS 179D

No Smoking Laws – NRS 202.2483

Nonsupport of a spouse, former spouse or child – NRS 201.020

Obscene Shows or Performances – NRS 201.253

Obscene, threatening or annoying phone calls – NRS 201.255

Obstructing a Public Officer – NRS 197.190

Obtaining Money by False Pretenses – NRS 205.380

Odometer Tampering – NRS 484D.335

Offering False Evidence – NRS 199.210

Officer Impersonation – NRS 199.430

Open Containers – NRS 484B.150

Open or Gross Lewdness – NRS 201.210

Pandering – NRS 201.300

Parole Violations – NRS 213.150

Paternity Fraud – NRS 201.085

Peering, Peeping, Spying – NRS 200.603

Perjury – NRS 199.120

Petit Larceny – NRS 205.240

Poisoning Food, Drinks Water or Medicine – NRS 202.170

Possessing Guns While Under the Influence – NRS 202.257

Possessing Weapons on School Property – NRS 202.265

Possession of Burglary Tools – NRS 205.080

Possession of Controlled Substances (Drugs) for Personal Use – NRS 453.336

Possession of Controlled Substances (Drugs) for Sale – NRS 453.337

Possession of Credit Card without Consent – NRS 205.690

Possession of Marijuana for Personal Use – NRS 453.336

Possession of Marijuana for Sale – NRS 453.337

Possession of Stolen Property – NRS 205.275

Possession of Stolen Vehicles – NRS 205.273

NRS 200.725 – Preparing, Advertising or Distributing Child Pornography

Prescription Abuse – NRS 453.381

Preventing or dissuading person from testifying or producing evidence – NRS 199.230

Probation Violations – NRS 176A.400

Prohibited weapons by prisoners – NRS 212.160, NRS 212.165 & NRS 212.180

Prostitution and Solicitation – NRS 201.354

Providing a Controlled Substance Which Causes Death – NRS 453.333

Public Intoxication – NRS 258.260

Public Nuisances – NRS 202.450

Racketeering – NRS 207.400

Reckless Driving – NRS 474B.653

Reckless Endangerment- NRS 202.595

Repeat Solicitation in Casinos – NRS 207.203

Resisting Arrest – NRS 199.280

Riots and Routs – NRS 203.070

Robbery – NRS 200.380

Sale of Controlled Substances (Drugs) – NRS 453.321

Second time DUI – NRS 484C.110

Securities Fraud – NRS 90

Selling Obscene Materials to Minors – NRS 201.265

Selling or Furnishing Alcohol to a Minor – NRS 202.055

Sex Trafficking – NRS 201.300

Sexual Assault – NRS 200.366

Sexual Conduct between a School Employee and Pupil – NRS 201.540 & NRS 201.550

Shoplifting – NRS 205.240

Sodomy – NRS 201.190 & NRS 201.195

Sports Bribery – NRS 207.290

Spousal Rape (Marital Rape) – NRS 200.373

Stalking – NRS 200.575

Statutory Sexual Seduction – NRS 200.368

Substantial Bodily Harm Enhancements – NRS 0.60

Switchblade Laws – NRS 202.350

Tampering or Failing to use an Ignition Interlock Device – NRS 484C.470

Teen Sexting – NRS 200.737

Terrorist Threats – NRS 202.448

Theft – NRS 205.0832

Theft of Lost Property – NRS 205.0832(d)

Third time DUI – NRS 484C.110

Threatening or Obscene Letters – NRS 207.180

Traffic Tickets – NRS 484

Trafficking in Controlled Substances (Drugs except Marijuana) – NRS 453.3385

Transportation of Controlled Substances (Drugs) – NRS 453.321

Trespass – NRS 207.200

Trying Juveniles as Adults – NRS 62B.390

Unauthorized Communication with a Prisoner – NRS 212.140

Unauthorized Practice of Law – NRS 7.285

Unauthorized Practice of Medicine – NRS 630.400

Unauthorized Practice of Nursing – NRS 632.315

Unauthorized Speed Contests/ Drag Racing/ Street Racing under Reckless Driving – NRS 484B.653

Under the Influence of Controlled Substance – NRS 453.411

Unemployment Insurance Fraud – NRS 612

Unlawful Assembly – NRS 203.060

Unlawful Change of Mileage – NRS 484D.310

Unlawful Occupancy (“Squatting”) – NRS 205.0817

Unlawful Reentry – NRS 205.082

Unlawful Use of Hotel Key – NRS 205.900

Unlicensed Contractors – NRS 624.700

Use of Deadly Weapon in Commission of a Crime – NRS 193.165

Using a Cell Phone While Driving – NRS 484B

Using a Minor in Pornography Production – NRS 200.710

Vandalism – NRS 381.225

Vehicular Homicide – NRS 484C.130

Vehicular Manslaughter – NRS 484B.657

Vending Machine Theft – NRS 205.2705 & NRS 205.2707

Violation of Protective Order – NRS 200.591

Voluntary Manslaughter – NRS 200.050

Welfare Fraud –NRS 422A

Wiretapping – NRS 200.620

Witness Bribery – NRS 199.240 & NRS 199.250

Workers Compensation Fraud – NRS 616D

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Mr. Tomsheck was very helpful in my case and got my charges dropped. If you need a lawyer that's trustworthy and keeps in contact with you through out your whole case then look no further. I highly recommend Mr. Tomsheck for any legal issues!


I had a case where something very bad happened to me and my family. I came to see Mr. Tomsheck on the advice of a friend. He and his staff, especially his assistant Jennifer, were AWESOME. They resolved my case, saved me thousands of dollars and were a blessing from God. I love Mr. Tomsheck and his...


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