Dog-Fighting – NRS 575.060 & NRS 575.070


Dog-fighting is a criminal offense under Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 575.060 and NRS 575.070. These laws prohibit the organization, participation in, or promotion of dog fights, recognizing the severe cruelty and inhumane treatment involved in this illegal activity. Understanding the legal implications of these statutes is essential for individuals involved in animal welfare, law enforcement, and those facing related charges.

Definition of Dog-Fighting

Under NRS 575.060 and NRS 575.070, dog-fighting is defined as:

  1. Engaging in Dog-Fighting: Actively participating in or organizing dog fights, where dogs are bred, trained, or conditioned for the purpose of engaging in combat with one another.
  2. Promoting Dog-Fighting: This includes any actions that promote or facilitate dog fights, such as advertising events, providing venues, or arranging matches.
  3. Possessing Fighting Dogs: Owning or possessing dogs that are trained for fighting or that have been involved in fighting activities.

Legal Requirements for Prosecution

To secure a conviction for dog-fighting under NRS 575.060 and NRS 575.070, the prosecution must prove several elements beyond a reasonable doubt:

  1. Existence of a Dog Fight: There must be evidence that a dog fight was taking place or that the accused was involved in organizing or facilitating such an event.
  2. Intent to Engage in Dog-Fighting: The prosecution must demonstrate that the accused acted with the intent to engage in, promote, or facilitate dog fights.
  3. Knowledge of Animal Cruelty: The accused must have known that their actions constituted cruelty to animals, which is a critical aspect of dog-fighting cases.

Legal Penalties for Dog-Fighting

The penalties for dog-fighting under NRS 575.060 and NRS 575.070 can be severe:

  • Category B Felony: Engaging in dog-fighting is typically classified as a Category B felony, which carries significant penalties, including:
    • Imprisonment: 1 to 6 years in the Nevada Department of Corrections.
    • Fines: Up to $5,000.
  • Enhanced Penalties: If the offense involves aggravating factors, such as prior convictions for animal cruelty or if the fighting results in severe injury or death to the animals, penalties can escalate significantly.

Related Offenses

Dog-fighting is related to several other offenses, including:

  • Animal Cruelty – NRS 574.100: Involves the abuse or neglect of animals, which can be charged in conjunction with dog-fighting offenses.
  • Possession of Fighting Animals – NRS 575.080: Addresses the illegal possession of dogs trained for fighting purposes.
  • Conspiracy to Commit Animal Fighting – NRS 199.480: Involves planning or agreeing with others to engage in dog-fighting activities.

Examples of Dog-Fighting Offenses

Understanding NRS 575.060 and NRS 575.070 can be clarified through specific examples:

  • Example 1: An individual organizes a dog-fighting event at a private property, inviting others to bet on the outcomes. This active participation in dog-fighting can lead to serious legal charges.
  • Example 2: A person is found in possession of multiple dogs that exhibit signs of having been trained for fighting, and there are signs that they were intended to be used in illegal fights. This possession can also result in criminal charges under Nevada law.

Defenses Against Dog-Fighting Charges

If you are facing charges related to dog-fighting under NRS 575.060 and NRS 575.070, several defenses may apply:

  1. Lack of Intent: Demonstrating that there was no intent to engage in dog-fighting can be a strong defense. If the accused can show that they were unaware of the activities taking place, it may mitigate liability.
  2. Insufficient Evidence: The prosecution must provide clear evidence of dog-fighting or the intent to engage in such activities. If the evidence is weak or circumstantial, it may lead to a dismissal of charges.
  3. Misunderstanding of the Situation: If the accused believed they were participating in a legitimate activity or misunderstood the context of the events, this could serve as a defense.
  4. False Allegations: In some cases, individuals may be falsely accused of dog-fighting due to misunderstandings or personal vendettas. Establishing the truth can be a powerful defense strategy.

Navigating the complexities of dog-fighting charges requires knowledgeable legal representation. Josh Tomsheck is a board-certified criminal trial attorney and registered specialist in criminal trial law with the State Bar of Nevada. His extensive experience in handling animal-related cases equips him to provide a robust defense against charges under NRS 575.060 and NRS 575.070.

As a Life Member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and a Mountain State’s Super Lawyer, Josh has a proven record of achieving favorable outcomes, including numerous complete dismissals and acquittals at trial. His commitment to protecting the rights of clients and understanding the intricacies of Nevada’s legal landscape make him a strong advocate in cases involving dog-fighting.

Understanding Your Rights

If you are accused of dog-fighting, understanding your rights is crucial. Having experienced legal representation can help ensure that you navigate the legal process effectively and protect your interests.

For more information about defending against charges of dog-fighting under NRS 575.060 and NRS 575.070 in Las Vegas, contact the law firm of Hofland & Tomsheck to schedule a free consultation. Call (702) 895-6760 today to discuss your case and explore your legal options.

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Mr. Tomsheck was very helpful in my case and got my charges dropped. If you need a lawyer that's trustworthy and keeps in contact with you through out your whole case then look no further. I highly recommend Mr. Tomsheck for any legal issues!


I had a case where something very bad happened to me and my family. I came to see Mr. Tomsheck on the advice of a friend. He and his staff, especially his assistant Jennifer, were AWESOME. They resolved my case, saved me thousands of dollars and were a blessing from God. I love Mr. Tomsheck and his...


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