Forging Sales Receipts and Pricing Labels – NRS 205.965


Forging sales receipts and pricing labels is a serious offense under Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 205.965. This law addresses the fraudulent alteration or creation of sales documents and pricing labels, which can mislead consumers and businesses. Understanding the implications of this statute is crucial for retailers, consumers, and legal professionals.

Definition of Forging Sales Receipts and Pricing Labels

Under NRS 205.965, “forging sales receipts and pricing labels” refers to the unlawful act of creating, altering, or using a false receipt or pricing label with the intent to deceive. Key components of the law include:

  1. False or Altered Documents: This can involve creating fake sales receipts or modifying existing pricing labels to misrepresent the price or details of an item.
  2. Intent to Deceive: The offender must act with the intent to defraud another party, which may include customers, businesses, or law enforcement.
  3. Use of Forged Documents: The act is not limited to creation; using forged receipts or labels for personal gain also falls under this statute.

Legal Requirements for Prosecution

To secure a conviction for forging sales receipts and pricing labels under NRS 205.965, the prosecution must prove several elements beyond a reasonable doubt:

  1. Existence of a Forged Document: The prosecution must establish that the accused created or altered a sales receipt or pricing label that was false or misleading.
  2. Intent to Deceive: It must be shown that the accused intended to deceive someone through the use of the forged document.
  3. Knowledge of Falsity: The accused must have known that the document was false or altered at the time of its use.

Related Offenses

Forging sales receipts and pricing labels is related to several other offenses, including:

  • Fraud – NRS 205.380: A broader category encompassing various fraudulent activities, including forgery.
  • Theft – NRS 205.240: Involves unlawfully taking property or money through deceptive practices, which can overlap with forgery cases.
  • Forgery – NRS 205.090: Involves the unlawful creation or alteration of documents for fraudulent purposes.

Examples of Forging Sales Receipts and Pricing Labels Offenses

To illustrate how NRS 205.965 is applied, consider these examples:

  • Example 1: A consumer creates a fake sales receipt to return a used item for a full refund, claiming it was purchased at a higher price. This act constitutes forgery under NRS 205.965.
  • Example 2: An employee at a retail store alters pricing labels on merchandise to sell them at an inflated price, misleading customers about the actual cost. This behavior can lead to charges of forging sales receipts and pricing labels.

Penalties for Forging Sales Receipts and Pricing Labels

The penalties for violating NRS 205.965 can be significant:

  • Category D Felony: Forging sales receipts and pricing labels is typically charged as a Category D felony, which carries:
    • Imprisonment: 1 to 4 years in the Nevada Department of Corrections.
    • Fines: Up to $5,000.
  • Enhanced Penalties: If the forgery involves substantial financial gain or if the individual has prior convictions, the penalties may be increased.

Defenses Against Forging Charges

If you are facing charges for forging sales receipts and pricing labels under NRS 205.965, several defenses may apply:

  1. Lack of Intent: Demonstrating that there was no intention to deceive can be a strong defense. If the accused believed the information provided was accurate or legitimate, this may mitigate liability.
  2. Mistake of Fact: If the individual can prove they were unaware that the document was false or altered, this can serve as a defense.
  3. Insufficient Evidence: If the prosecution cannot provide adequate evidence to prove that the accused knowingly engaged in forgery, the charges may be dismissed.
  4. Legitimate Transactions: If the accused can show that the transactions were valid and not intended to defraud, this can lead to a favorable outcome.

The Importance of Legal Representation

Navigating the complexities of forgery charges requires knowledgeable legal representation. Josh Tomsheck is a board-certified criminal trial attorney and registered specialist in criminal trial law with the State Bar of Nevada. His extensive experience in handling fraud and forgery cases equips him to provide a robust defense against charges under NRS 205.965.

As a Life Member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and a Mountain State’s Super Lawyer, Josh has a proven record of achieving favorable outcomes, including numerous complete dismissals and acquittals at trial. His commitment to protecting the rights of clients and understanding the intricacies of Nevada’s legal landscape make him a strong advocate in cases involving forgery.

Understanding Your Rights

If you are accused of forging sales receipts or pricing labels, understanding your rights is crucial. Having experienced legal representation can help ensure that you navigate the legal process effectively and protect your interests.

For more information about defending against charges under NRS 205.965 in Las Vegas, contact the law firm of Hofland & Tomsheck to schedule a free consultation. Call (702) 895-6760 today to discuss your case and explore your legal options.

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Mr. Tomsheck was very helpful in my case and got my charges dropped. If you need a lawyer that's trustworthy and keeps in contact with you through out your whole case then look no further. I highly recommend Mr. Tomsheck for any legal issues!


I had a case where something very bad happened to me and my family. I came to see Mr. Tomsheck on the advice of a friend. He and his staff, especially his assistant Jennifer, were AWESOME. They resolved my case, saved me thousands of dollars and were a blessing from God. I love Mr. Tomsheck and his...


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